Mount Rohr

Distance: 17.53 kmElevation: 1,224 mTime: 6 hours 48 minutesDate: March 20th, 2021 For this weekends adventure, I was hoping to push my level a bit further and build more experience around avalanche terrain with my friend Jacob. The north shore was calling for considerable to high avalanche danger, so I looked further north and foundContinue reading “Mount Rohr”

Mount Mercer

Elevation: 1,244mDistance: 13.20kmTotal Time: 6 hours 12 minutesDate: March 7th, 2021 Following a successful weekend summit of Elk Mountain and Mount Thurston, I was hoping to get out towards Chilliwack Lake again for the upcoming weekend. The previous weekend had been my first exposure to the area and I couldn’t believe how great the viewsContinue reading “Mount Mercer”