Elevation Gain: 742m
Distance: 10.5km
Total Time: 4 hours 2 minutes
Date: September 30th, 2023
From Cone Mountain, Andrea, Brittany and I did some ski screeing and then a short bushwhack down to the col of Tatie Peak. The PCT trail briefly met us at the ridge line before dipping back along the south slopes of Tatie Peak. Here we continued up, climbing the tame ridge towards the summit.

Andrea and Brittany lead the way and we topped out perhaps only 45 minutes after leaving Cone Mountain. The views here were fantastic, although the wind packed a bit more of a punch.

Again, the long connecting ridge line offered an easy way down to the col of Syncline Mountain and we decided to make that our final destination for the day. I lead the way down the ridge and landed at the col in a dense area of larches. I waited for Andrea and Brittany before we started heading up towards Syncline. However, Andrea indicated early on that she might prefer to just hang out and take in the views. Brittany was feeling more of the same and so I offered that I could go to the summit and back in 30 minutes if they didn’t mind.

With that, I made a running start towards the summit in the hopes of not keeping them waiting for long.