Elevation Gain: 566m
Distance: 7.68km
Total Time: 3 hours 13 minutes
Date: May 29th, 2021
Mystery Peak is a small bump along the ridge up to Mount Seymour, but has official peak status. In the winter it’s accessed via chair lift, but once the ski hill shuts down for the season, hikers are free to access it. Jacob and I had just finished at the summit of Mount Seymour and were heading back to the car. At the last minute, I figured we might as well make a detour to bag Mystery Peak as well. We followed some ski runs down the peak after passing Brockton point and there’s not much to say about the route. Almost anyone can reach this point on Mount Seymour and there are multiple routes up/down.

We headed for the highest visible point and continued on in “drive-by” style back to the car. As we came down the south slope of Mystery Peak, the NSR helicopter came in for a low hover over Pump Peak. There wasn’t a great view from our position, so we continued on to the car. I observed that NSR seemed to be lingering around for quite awhile and we’d later find out that there were 3 separate rescues in the area happening. An interesting end to the day for sure.

Nearly back at the car we ran into throngs of people as it was now mid-day and everyone was coming out to enjoy the nice spring conditions. The car was reached shortly after and that concluded an easy, but fun day grabbing two new peaks for myself and four for Jacob.